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Terrington House, 13-15 Hills Road Cambridge CB2 1NL, UK,,
More Inquiries
Ph: +1 (315) 660 7954

Get a Contract in the following areas:

SOFTWARE – Software Development Service Contracts – Software License Contracts

INTERNET – Website Design, Development, Hosting & Maintenance Service Contracts – Domain Name Sale Contracts – Digital Marketing / SEO Service Contracts, Social Media Influencer Marketing Contracts, Performance/Affiliate Marketing Service Contracts – T&Cs & Privacy Policy

DATA PROTECTION, PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT- GDPR & ECPA Compliance – Data Processing Agreements – EU–U.S. Privacy Shields – Cloud Computing Service Contracts

VIDEO GAME & E-SPORTS – Video Game Development, Publishing, License & Distribution Contracts – E-Sports Player Contracts & Team Participation Contracts

TELECOMMUNICATIONS – Streaming (Digital Satellite TV Live Broadcasting Agreements & Multi-Level Internet Broadcasting Contracts) – VoIP Service & Interconnection Agreements – Mobile Network Sharing Agreements – VPN Remote Access User Contracts

HEALTH TECH – HIPAA-Compliance – Medical Tech (Medical Device Manufacturing Contracts) – Medical Virtual Reality/“MedVR” – Telemedicine Service


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