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Business Litigation and Complex Commercial Disputes


Commercial trial lawyers are at ease in both a jury chamber and a boardroom setting.
We are also experienced advocates in pre-trial settlement negotiations, arbitration, and mediation. We have gained the trust of Fortune 500 firms, mid-market businesses, and individual clients. Our lawyers and other professionals add value to our clients by using new litigation resolution methods, being tenacious, and providing dependable counsel.

Business Litigation Services & Solutions

Our business litigation trial team deals with a variety of corporate disputes and commercial lawsuits, including:

Fraud Litigation

Breach of Fiduciary Duty Litigation

Commercial Litigation

Non-compete Litigation

Breach of Contract Litigation

Insurance Coverage Disputes.

Director and Officer Liability Representation

Professional negligence.

Our Business Litigation Practice Includes Commercial Litigation Services.

Commercial litigation is a broad genre of litigation that includes a variety of business problems. We represent plaintiffs and defendants in business litigation cases across the United States. As a result, we handle commercial conflicts of all sizes in federal and state trial courts nationwide.

Business Commercial Litigation
Commercial litigation can have a long-term impact on both the company and its employees. As a result, the corporation may want to address the issue immediately rather than go through a lengthy legal process. Depending on the circumstances, litigation may be resolved before trial via summary judgment, mediation, or other alternative dispute resolution processes. Our business attorneys examine cases and advise on strategies for achieving desired corporate goals.

Commercial Litigation by Businesspeople
During litigation, the focus must remain on the company’s objectives, which should be included in the case strategy. As a result, commercial litigation is typically best handled by attorneys with business experience and knowledge of the company’s specific industry. Commercial litigation can cover a wide range of business conflicts, such as:

Breach of Contract


Breach of fiduciary duty

Ownership and Shareholder Oppression

Tortious Interference With Contractual Relations

Our commercial litigation attorneys have extensive experience in various business areas and can assist you in developing innovative solutions to meet your company’s objectives.

Fraud Litigation
As part of our Business Litigation practice, we offer fraud litigation services. Our business litigation attorneys represent both plaintiffs and defendants in fraud litigation. We handle all fraud cases in federal and state courts in New York and the United States.

Elements of Fraud Under New York Law:
The elements of fraud under New York law are generally as follows: (1) that the speaker made a material misrepresentation, (2) that he knew was false when he made it, or that he made it recklessly without any knowledge of its truth and as a positive assertion (3) with the intent that the other party acts on it, and (4) that the other party acted in reliance on the misrepresentation and (5) suffered injury as a result.

Business fraud is most commonly conducted through fraudulent claims. Still, it can also be committed by omitting key facts. Fraudulent inducement is another type of fraud in which one party makes a false statement to persuade the other party to enter into an arrangement. Fraud can occur in various settings, including business fraud, commercial partnerships, contracts, employee fraud, fraud in purchasing or selling goods or services, and several more scenarios.

Our business trial attorneys have extensive experience resolving a wide range of fraud challenges and successfully prosecuting and defending company fraud cases.

Fraud Litigation Cases
Lawsuits can involve a variety of legal concerns and claims, ranging from civil litigation to commercial litigation-related claims, such as:


Fraudulent Inducement

Misrepresentation, omission, or non-disclosure

Fraudulent concealment.

Tortious interference.

Fraud by a Business Partner

Business Fraud.
The allegations of commercial fraud are severe. Commercial fraud lawsuits ‘ possible outcomes are monetary damages, injunctive relief, prospective disgorgement, and reputational harm. A victorious plaintiff may also be awarded exemplary damages at trial. When fraud happens, business owners should contact an experienced business attorney. A business litigation lawyer may examine and uncover concerns early, ensuring the matter is handled appropriately. In addition, remedies for injunctions or restraining orders may be required to prevent additional injury.

Protections against business fraud
All firms, particularly smaller ones in growth mode, are vulnerable to fraud. Many businesses will face fraud disputes at some point. Consulting with an attorney for guidance on adopting fraud protections is a proactive strategy for reducing damages and preventing fraud. Our business lawyers assist customers with business strategies to prevent fraud litigation and disputes by providing services such as:

Review of contracts and commercial agreements

Forensic accounting and financial analysis to detect fraud

Investigating business partners and former employees for proof of wrongdoing.

Protection of Intellectual Property Assets

Due diligence examinations and digital forensics analysis for probable corporate fraud.

As Part Of Our Business Litigation Practice, We Offer Breach Of Contract Litigation Services.
Our business litigation attorneys represent plaintiffs and defendants in breach of contract action. We handle all contractual issues in federal and state courts in New York and across the United States.

When Is Breach of Contract Litigation Necessary?
Business contracts and commercial agreements serve as the cornerstone for all functioning businesses. However, it is unavoidable that there will be a breach of contract due to bad faith or unforeseen circumstances. As a result, firms should strive to utilize well-written contracts that include provisions for breach-related remedies. Common issues in commercial lawsuit include:

Interpretation of contract provisions

Breach in bad faith.

unwillingness or inability to cure

Need for injunctive remedy or restraining order.

Unjustified harm and loss

Intellectual property infringement

Our business litigation attorneys create contracts and commercial agreements and handle all areas of breach of contract action.

Breach of Contract Litigation Services
As part of our commercial litigation services, we offer comprehensive guidance to clients from various industries. Contracts come in various forms, from internal employment to B2B complicated commercial arrangements. Attorneys handling breach of contract litigation matters may need to know the specific industry and type of breach involved. Our litigation team has extensive experience advising on and handling breach of contract litigation situations, such as:

Commercial B2B Contracts

Buy-Sell Agreements

Agreements and licenses related to intellectual property.

Manufacturing Agreements

Maintenance Agreements

Information Technology Contracts

Financial Agreements

Employment Agreements

Nondisclosure Agreements

Reseller Contracts

Often, breach of contract litigation allegations are simply one of several claims asserted in a wider commercial dispute. As a result, business litigation attorneys should have extensive experience with a wide range of corporate and commercial issues. For more information on potential damages, read our Legal FAQs page and the article “What are contract law damages?”

Breach of Contract Litigation Cases
The basic sorts of contract breaches in general are as follows:

Anticipatory Breach of Contract – when knowledge emerges that shows another will breach a contract in the future.

Minor violation of Contract: when the general contract provisions are met, but there is a violation of a term that does not fully fail the contract.

Actual or fundamental breach of contract occurs when one or both parties knowingly or accidentally fail to perform the terms of a contract.

Material Breach of Contract – when a breach is significant in nature.